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Aug. 10, 2024
There are days when you most likely feel overwhelmed on account of one thing or another. It may be that you find yourself with much responsibility and are anxious about being able to properly fulfill your duties well. Or you may feel overwhelmed for the opposite reason, finding that life seems to be at a standstill and you are not sure what to do next. In these moments, of feeling overwhelmed, we must make an act of trust in God. The truth is that God could enter any situation in an instant and transform it, enabling us to face what is before us with the ease of a child. But He doesn’t always do that. Sometimes He allows us to wait on Him so that the situation we face will help to purify us and urge us toward greater surrender and love. Know that God loves you and could do anything to immediately lighten your struggle. Knowing that will help you also realize that, at times, He remains at an apparent distance as an act of hidden Mercy. It’s a Mercy because His wisdom is perfect and He will always act in a way that is most fruitful for your soul (See Diary #1153).
Look at your life this day and identify that which has the appearance of being your greatest struggle. How does that make you feel? If you do feel overwhelmed then pause and try to see the wisdom of God. He will never abandon you and may actually be offering you a hidden gift of Mercy through which He is calling you to greater holiness than if He immediately made your burdens light and easy.
"Lord, help me to trust in You especially when I feel overwhelmed by the hardships of life. May I never doubt Your perfect love and perfect wisdom in all things. Give me the grace to see beyond that which burdens me so as to discover the hidden Mercy You offer me to purify and strengthen my soul. I thank You for all things, dear Lord. Jesus, I trust in You."
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Ut In Omnibus Glorificatus Deus | U.I.O.G.D. | That In All Things God May Be Glorified!
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